Reading beyond the chemistry textbook If you have just started your studies in A-level or international A-level Chemistry, it is highly probable that your sixth form college will have put together a recommended reading list to broaden your studies. I have read quite a few science books over the years and have my own relatively short list that I have provided below. Why another list? Well, there are a few books that appear to be on most chemistry reading lists that I consider to be very poor reading.

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If you are looking for a tutor for Chemistry for GCSE or A level, congratulations, you have found one! Please get in touch with me through email and let me know what assistance you need. I have not posted a contact number here but I speak with my students directly by telephone or webchat before we have our first proper session. The initial chat is free of any charge and is there for both of us to ask any questions we may have.

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Dr Andrew Roberts

Private Chemistry Tutor

A-level, GCSE and International A-level tuition

Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK