Post-lockdown Chemistry Tuition

As the sun is setting on the lockdown, I have good news for my students who want to meet in person.

I completed over forty online sessions during the Easter break, ten of which my cat (Coco the Clown) decided to infiltrate. I pleased to say that we can meet face-to-face again for tuition, no cats invited. I know some of you will miss her meowing ‘Hello, hello’ and deciding to dance for the camera, but thankfully those days are numbered.

A Burmilla with a keen interest in Chemistry and Zoombombing

Once the restrictions on meeting inside end (on May 17th 2021), we can continue to meet indoors with a window open regardless of the weather. That also means Coco gets to have an audience again, plus plenty of free chemistry lessons for household pets.

I am happy to welcome students for tuition at my house in central Banbury and also can travel on a few evenings to visit students in their homes if they are within twenty minutes drive from Banbury.

If you are interested in face-to-face Chemistry tuition, please get in touch by emailing me.